Declaratio, Sovereign Pontiff is Benedict XVI, Anti-Pope Bergoglio, Dedication to Pete 9

V I also read Archbishop Miller’s 300 page dissertation with detailed sourcing to German Theologians. The dissertation is titled “The Divine Right of the Papacy

Declaratio, Sovereign Pontiff is Benedict XVI, Anti-Pope Bergoglio, Dedication to Pete 8

A significant error in Benedict’s Declaratio is his statement that he received the papacy from the hands of the cardinals. Benedict did not receive the

Declaratio, Sovereign Pontiff is Benedict XVI, Anti-Pope Bergoglio, Dedication to Pete 7B

III. Short 18-minute clip by Brian Murphy YouTube in numerous languages. Brian summarizes some of my points. IV. Bro. Alexis Notes Pope Benedict’s

Declaratio, Sovereign Pontiff is Benedict XVI, Anti-Pope Bergoglio, Dedication to Pete 7A

Splitting the papacy is substantial error and invalidates the attempted resignation by Benedict. It does not matter what Benedict thinks. What matters is what the

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