The Lord Taught Them Proper Roles of Educators II

  1. As always, we must begin our reflections with our Lord. Christ reveals man to what is authentic to man. Teaching was central to Our Blessed Lord’s mission.
  • He sat, cathedra, i.e., new Moses and gave the new law the beatitudes

  • He did not destroy existing instructional mechanisms, the scribes & pharisees rejected Him

  • He ‘reimagined’ them

  • He clearly said observe all that they command, but do not do what they do Mat 23:1-3

  • Some faithful Jews at the time had withdrawn from the corruption of the Temple i.e. Essenes according to Josephus

  • Our Lord and His Holy Family has been associated with this group by some scholars

  • He does not give withdrawal as a blanket absolute norm

  • He talks rather of being yeast and salt. A light on a bushel basket for all to see.

Thus, the method of being involved with society but not being absorbed by it. Educational options are not necessarily the same for all but there are some universal norms. These norms are the measure for educators whether in public, private or homeschool and are used as a basis of objective measure.

Revolutionary time in education. Something must shift, at minimum adversarial relationship between Christian education and what state p[resents as an education.

Catholic school system rose from Protestant and Catholic view of education. Catholic schools were considered excellent for a time. Must be discerning now. What is considered to best in a secular mind versus one of a Christian mindset.

III. Divini Illius Magistri On Christian Education[1] Pius XI

  • The pope, as role of teacher and father, hands on what the Lord taught suitable to the age in which he lives

  • Proper roles of men and women in different societies

  • Family needs society & Church, not an individualistic approach

[1] Divini Illius Magistri On Christian Education Pius XI (St. Athanasius Press: Coppell, TX) 1929 reprinted 2016

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