Fake News & AG NY

Fake News: I guess not all Fake News is created equal for the AG NY. Some is more heinous than others, and if it supports your cause, Fake News justifies it.

“I’m appalled at the Attorney General’s lack of respect for the First Amendment and his offices’ encouragement and use of fraudulent means to obtain information so that he can persecute peaceful pro-life citizens who have become the voice of the voiceless,” TMLC president Richard Thompson said. “He [Schneiderman] has forsaken his responsibilities as an independent law-enforcement officer and is now acting as an agent of the abortion industry,” Thompson added.”

AG accused of Fake News

Fake News & Stolen Identities: SCHNEIDERMAN: Well, our primary focus is on impersonations of real people. So we’re concerned about New Yorkers whose identities might have been used. We’ve been looking into issues related to fake identities. And impersonation is a crime in New York. Devumi was claiming that it was selling real, live followers. And clearly, there are a lot of questions about that.

NY AG going after Fake Newsers

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