Abandonment to Divine Providence V

  1. Compare Contrast to Bro Lawrence (1614- 1691) (overlapped and extended by 40 yrs) Presence of God some observations

Caussade like Bro Lawrence was accused of quietism especially in regard to Fenelon and Madame Guyon

Quietism finally, in the strictest acceptation of the term, is the doctrine put forth and defended in the seventeenth century by Molinos and Petrucci. Out of their teaching developed the less radical form known as Semiquietism, whose principle advocates were Fénelon and Madame Guyon. All these varieties of Quietism insist with more or less emphasis on interior passivity as the essential condition of perfection; and all have been proscribed in very explicit terms by the Church.[1]

Bro Lawrence like Fr. de Caussade saw each instance of his life as an encounter with God, irrespective of whether he was in the chapel or mending sandals. Both men come from a robust spiritual formation, all be it, differently. There is a presupposition of formation, prayer life, and devotion for both men. Both are French which is nod to the title France, eldest daughter of the Church. Where de Caussade would use the phrase divine Providence, Bro Lawrence would use Presence of God (personal union with God, the bosom of God).

Bro Lawrence work suppressed (like the Jesuits) within France, causing it to explode through rest of Europe.

  1. Intended Audience: Nuns of the Visitation in Nancy France as a Spiritual Director to the nuns

Presupposition is those who are formed in the faith, desirous of a virtuous life, and not for a neophyte. Developed prayer life. Mature Christian, those leading a spiritual life[2]

Virtue is not opposite, center of circle of vices. Always a counterfeit, Satan, counterfeiting what is created. He is content to pull one out of center.

Both ideals are virtuous, ideal, living a habit of virtue, overflow into an exterior life.

Quietism easy to accuse if don’t understand a virtuous life. Appetite directs the intellect very easy if using in the counterfeit.

Things befall, Boethius and fate, closer to God more see the hand of God

Surrendering will through virtue and good habit rather than just happenstance

[1] https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12608c.htm  accessed October 26, 2023

[2] Strickland 7

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