Girl Power IV

 Marthe not present but knew, tells priest, prayers of children will save France.

Police, papers, like the fall of Berlin Wall.

Affirmation of prior apparitions. Our Lady recall to minds of the people. This is what I have done, and what I am doing now.

Building on Magnificat, Annunciation, Gospel, Lourdes, Laboure, Fatima

An interesting side note is that on March 6th, 1429, St. Joan of Arc entered this very same church of St. Gilles in L’Ile-Bouchard on her way to Chinon where King Charles VII would give her an army. Joan prostrated herself before the altar of the Virgin Mary and pleaded for her assistance in her mission to liberate France from invading enemies. She was only a child of seventeen, yet it was her strong faith in God and her childlike trust in His Holy Mother that effectuated such a glorious victory for France. Perhaps this is what is also most remarkable about the events of L’Ile-Bouchard in 1947; that the Mother of God came to ask for the prayers of little children to once again save France, and that she herself came to teach them to pray.[1]

France, dynamism corruption and Catholicism Robespierre & Voltaire vs Joan of Arc, Bernadette Catherine of Laboure, and 4 visionaries.

VII Practical Application

Purity & Piety combination similar to Our Lady.

Our society has no regard for their purity or piety. Forgotten in the Church sacrament of initiation given to them while innocent.

Corrupted before confirmed. These girls confirmed maturity, predisposed fullness of their formation into their piety.

[1]  accessed May 15, 2023

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