Heat of the Summer Dark Night of the Soul V

Depression is always a spiritual trial often accompanied by an existential and spiritual crisis as John Paul II notes[1].

As always, it is wise to have a spiritual director who is familiar with psychology and a psychologist who understands spiritual trial.

The difference that strikes me between depression and the DNS is hope both simple and theological.

Grace builds on nature. If simple hope is gone, so too is the theological virtue. Hope in the goodness and love of the Lord, builds trust and faith, then leads to charity.

Strongly encourages The Catholic Guide to Depression

Only Catholic Psychology remain effective in these trying times.

Problem conscientious who is marking the Catholic Psychology. Some have become less Catholic.

Go to Mass hyper spiritual or all physical need more serotonin

It is narrow rode to find someone skilled.

Big difference physiological depression and psychological depression

DNS is not depression

DNS given to people of high moral rectitude, state of grace, striving to live all for God. Calling deeper relationship, removing exterior gifts, God is not his gifts. Person beyond that.

DNS under guidance good spiritual director physiological manifestations in the bran and spiritual paths.

Satan is a mimic, parrot and ape.

Suffering from natural brain oppression, do not put on happy face and get over it.

In the darkness, make complete use in the Church, confession, Holy Mass, Eucharist means to the supernatural 3 theological virtues. Can tell Satan that my Redeemer lives. Indicator in state of grace and receptive to all graces when natural ability fails.

[1] Kheriaty 244

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