Proverbs 10 eps II

  1. Second Part of either outline, Proverbs 10

III. Author- Solomon

  1. Date written, recall from Proverbs 1, Time Frame of Proverbs During the Royal Kingdom placed here even though its composition spans much longer time frame as they are in Solomon’s tradition.
  2. Salvation History refer to prior shows of Biblical History? & Jeff Cavins

Reading of 1 Kings 10:1-10

Knowing and doing two different things.

Power corrupts, gets to head, forget wisdom of humility.

  1. Structure of Proverbs 10

Prov 10:1-22:16 has no real structure. It is essentially a collection of SAYINGS.[1] First and Largest collection of proverbs attributed to Solomon

However, some general observations can be seen: antithetical parallelism (contrast) v1

Hebrew Numerology 10:1-22:16 375 sayings, number corresponding to numerical value of Solomon’s name

Righteous/wicked contrast

Chiasmus (Chiasmus is a figure of speech in which the grammar of one phrase is inverted in the following phrase, such that two key concepts from the original phrase reappear in the second phrase in inverted order. )[2] v4

Alliteration (beginning sound of words that repeat) and nominal (names, person’s names)  juxtaposition v5, vv 13-14 with v15 juxtaposition of nouns

[1] Roland Murphy, Wisdom Literature Volume XII (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids MI ) 63

[2]  accessed January 9, 2024

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