Saints & Blesseds Vocations That Give Hope I

Sin vs Sanctity (contra the sin of the age/heresy of their time to the heroic saint/couple)

Ideas Shape History 4-18-2019 episodes to further explore

Taken from the show Freedom & Precious Blood Episode VI & VII  and

Heroic Virtue can also be categorized as a miracle something beyond nature. During the process of canonization, heroic virtue that is considered for proposal to the faithful for emulation. Thomas Aquinas’ brilliant analysis of the faith is not why he is canonized saint, which is fundamental to being a Doctor of the Church. His sanctity was determined to be heroic and worthy of merit. After this had been determined, his writings were then analyzed.

Saints in every age give to their contemporaries concrete examples of how to live with authentic freedom and a properly formed conscience. Sometimes, saints transcend their own time period to become witnesses for future generations. Doctors of the Church are one notable category. Another category of saints are those directly tied to the Incarnation.

NB these categories as they apply to married couples

The 4 F’s, plus tithing/generosity

How does obedience manifest?

Role of Prayer, types, frequency?

Couples role models, emulation, great blessing in store for his people, not simply people in past participants, more than role models. They are pivotal intercessors for our present and future. Great design Our Lord foresaw it.

Saints necessary for that moment in history as well outside of time help to us. Have a lively assurance before the beatific vision before Our Lord and when invited they can become true friends, not just a theoretical concept. A great mercy.

Communion of Saints is real not artificial, in so far share in His divinity in the eternal realm, they long to help us, great joy to lead other couples to a holy marriage. Grow in glory in heavenly realm become intercessors for other couples.

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