Soaring Eagle

“Trump, because it is failing to unite or raise money – while delivering extreme ideology – according to former GOP chairman and White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

“At this point, between the craziness going on on the Democrats side, and the fact that the DNC is essentially broke, and the RNC has probably raised more than 10 times the DNC –people on the ground, absentee ballots, data, targeting people, all the boring stuff – and that boring stuff is going to determine who the winner is,” Priebus told Sunday’s “The Cats Roundtable” on 970 AM-N.Y.”

“The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) has released new drone footage of a “new border wall system” being installed near San Luis, Arizona, a site where foreigners have been seen pouring into America.

“CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020,” the Border Patrol said in a post on Twitter.”

“Americans with disabilities, physical and cognitive, in recent months have been joining the workforce at a faster pace than those without disabilities, according to data collected by organizations that work with the disabled.

Labor Day on Sept. 2 may be the first time the disabled regain an employment rate that was upended by the 2008 Great Recession.

The gains are the result of both technological advances and workplace flexibility that lessens commuting barriers, according to experts on disabled workers. But the gains also reflect the pull of a tight labor market.”

“Vice President of the United Mine Workers of America in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, Chuck Knissel said based on the current 2020 Democrats running for president, it will be difficult to get union workers to vote for anyone other than Trump. “It’s going to be tough to get our members to vote for a Democrat,” Knissel told the Journal.”

“According to data released this morning by the Bureau of Labor StatisticsPresident Trump has added more than 6 million jobs in President Trump’s term.

The same cannot be said for President Obama as during the same time he lost (2.8) million jobs. Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming back. This showed in his first two years with millions of lost jobs.”

“Unemployment among African Americans fell to 5.5 percent, the lowest level on record.”

“The line is already forming outside the Crown Expo Center — 48 hours early!”

“The average monthly benefit for SNAP food stamp recipients is $121 per person. With 6.2 million off of food stamps President Trump saved the country $9 billion annually.

“The average monthly benefit for SNAP fod stamp recipients is $121 per person. With 6.2 millionoff of food stamps President Trump saved the country 750,000,000 annually.”

$121 per person/mo. X 6.2Million = $750,200,000/mo.

$750,200,000 x 12/months = $9,002,400,000/yr.”

“Poverty among black female-headed families also dropped to 31.7 percent, down from 35.7 percent in 2015 and 39.7 percent in 2007. Poverty among all black Americans dropped to 20.8 percent, down from 24.1 percent in 2015 and 24.5 percent in 2007.”

“What is even more remarkable is how big the wins were.

In district 9 Dan Bishop won Robeson County in the eastern part of the district.

According to J. Miles Coleman just last year the county went to the Democrat by 15 points.On Tuesday Bishop nearly flipped the county. Democrat McCready only won the county by 1 point!”

While in 2016, some 58.5 percent of households enjoyed more than $50,000 in total money income, the share rose to more than 60 percent in 2018. The median household income, meanwhile, rose by nearly 2.3 percent—with all figures adjusted for inflation.

The comparison isn’t quite apples-to-apples since the bureau implemented a new methodology in its latest report that somewhat influenced the results for both 2018 and 2017.

Still, the data bears out a middle-class expansion unseen since the 1960s. Nearly 30 percent of households pulled in between $50,000 and $99,999 in 2018. That’s up from less than 29 percent the year before—the fastest increase since 1968.”

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